For me, to express has been as vital as to breathe. This fact helped me to start writing at a very tender age which was kept to my diaries only back then. Having been raised in an educationists’ family, in a really small town, I’ve been carrying a strong head along with a soft heart.
I’m certainly a wilful believer of my parents, God, knowledge and truth in the exact same order. Degrees in Science, Academics and a Paramedical PG diploma are reflected in the versatility of the choice of subjects I write about.
I served and experienced the life of a paramedic for half a decade. In floating with life as the time demanded, I ended up as an educator for the last twelve years. And as it goes, once an educator, always an educator!
My love for various languages led me to a compelling career in content writing. I continued with the same, thriving as a well sought after content writer and a translator. With years passing, there accumulated various experiences and stories to be told.
Sharing those with my writing skills has been the prime enterprise now.
Human beings and emotions are the subjects that tempt me the most. Relations are my forte. Ability to write in English and Gujarati both has given me a vast sky to spread my wings. Whatever I imagine, feel or observe I bring to you in the form of short stories and articles.
I try to express the intensity of the emotions through the poetry written in my mother tongue.