Yellownotes – Daily Quotes | Quote of the Week | April 2018 | Week 04


Your favourite Yellownotes of the week.

22 04 18 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Heart, Don’t forget, you are a muscle only; get on with your workout regime before the love strains you! – Swati.
23 04 18 - swati's Journal short story
Dear life, Don’t bother me much, I’m not here to lay a course; I just have to drift along! – Swati.
24 04 18 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Nature, Thanks for teaching us that hustle is not the ride we should take for accomplishment! – Swati.
25 04 18 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Vengeance, They don’t know that you’re an infinite energy; once generated,never leaving this planet! – Swati.
26 04 18 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Karma, I request you for a small demo to a few of my people right here as I might not accompany them in hell. – Swati.
27 04 18 - swati's Journal short story
Der Modesty, You top the list of all the virtues since ages, still underrated! – Swati.
28 04 18 - swati's Journal short story
Dear modern man, Sorrow is just a feeling, don’t use it as a suicidal dope! – Swati.
29 04 18 - swati's Journal short story
Dear India, Sorry for you to bear a mass of uproaring opinionated cowards as the majority of the citizens! – Swati.
30 04 18 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Politics, You have been an art of telling lies skillfully and the developed nations have given us the masters of this craft. – Swati.

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