Yellownotes – Daily Quotes | Moving forward Quotes | December 2020 | Week 04

move forward quotes swatisjournal

Are you fond of thinking towards the future? The Yellownotes this week with move forward quotes are just meant for you. Spare a moment for these moving on and thinking forward ideas I just read.

25 12 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Human,Your journey for a bright future will start at the moment you’ll realize that you can’t change a single experience in your past! – Swati.
26 12 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear You,Life is not about ’till we don’t die’ but ‘until we quit’; so let’s work on making it count! – Swati.
27 12 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Friend,Wake up if you think you’re caring for me from a distance; you’re hallucinating! – Swati.
28 12 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Relation,If I’ll have to pay for our togetherness, I’d better let you go than paying! – Swati.
29 12 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Mirror,Thanks for reminding me occasionally that not everyone deserves my stressing over their actions but me! – Swati.
30 12 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Man,To keep moving is good, but don’t forget to buy your family a house, it’ll help you keep your legs intact. – Swati.
31 12 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Women,It might not be possible for you to move on physically, but no one can hold you back from progressing mentally! – Swati.

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