It’s fun reading quotes for life insurance, you know! Get entertained with Yellownotes week 04 with some sarcastic punch.
Dear Life insurance,I know your work is a bit tougher in India, as we still have people who believe in giving birth to baby boys over commencing for an insurance policy! – Swati.
Dear Calamities,Thanks for visiting us at regular intervals, who else could have taught us the real meaning of EQUALITY? – Swati.
Dear Nature,You need no friends, but slaves if you wanna stay longer on this planet! – Swati.
Dear World,The most dangerous are those who know that they are doing wrong and yet continue doing it expecting others to justify it. – Swati.
Dear Youth,If your muscles don’t feel cramps at the end of the day, consider your day as wasted! – Swati.
Dear LIC,I wonder why the Marriages, the biggest accidents in our society aren’t covered under high risk insurance policies yet!? – Swati.