Student life, the best period of our lives. Today, the Yellownotes are all about life quotes for students. Don’t worry, it’s not…
Dear Students,Achievement doesn’t come on the spur of a moment; it’s like a Masterpiece that takes stroke after stroke! – Swati.
Dear Youth,Let the ambitions ignite your determination to work on your dreams! – Swati.
Dear Learner,Going on a particular road is important; faster or slower doesn’t matter! – Swati.
Dear people,Things happening around can’t be in our control, but we definitely can have a handle over ourselves. – Swati.
Dear Kids,If you’re getting sarcasm from your teacher, don’t feel prejudiced towards them; they’re preparing you for a management job! – Swati.
Dear Students,Need not to be afraid of failures, there’s always a way to take a ‘U-turn’! – Swati.
Dear World,Strong are the people who have mastered the art of overcoming adversities. – Swati.
Dear Parents,Help your kids understand that learning is all about taking a shot using all their capabilities that might miss sometimes. – Swati.
Dear Success,When we measure you with a currency bill tape, you look smaller every time, but when you’re measured with the efforts made, you seem larger than you are! – Swati.
Dear Students,Worthy things are surely gonna make you suffer before you reach them! – Swati.