Yellownotes – Daily Quotes | Quote of the Week | May 2020 | Week 04

life quotes for students yellownotes swatisjournal

Student life, the best period of our lives. Today, the Yellownotes are all about life quotes for students. Don’t worry, it’s not…

22 05 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Students,Achievement doesn’t come on the spur of a moment; it’s like a Masterpiece that takes stroke after stroke! – Swati.
23 05 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Youth,Let the ambitions ignite your determination to work on your dreams! – Swati.
24 05 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Learner,Going on a particular road is important; faster or slower doesn’t matter! – Swati.
25 05 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear people,Things happening around can’t be in our control, but we definitely can have a handle over ourselves. – Swati.
26 05 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Kids,If you’re getting sarcasm from your teacher, don’t feel prejudiced towards them; they’re preparing you for a management job! – Swati.
27 05 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Students,Need not to be afraid of failures, there’s always a way to take a ‘U-turn’! – Swati.
28 05 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear World,Strong are the people who have mastered the art of overcoming adversities. – Swati.
29 05 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Parents,Help your kids understand that learning is all about taking a shot using all their capabilities that might miss sometimes. – Swati.
30 05 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Success,When we measure you with a currency bill tape, you look smaller every time, but when you’re measured with the efforts made, you seem larger than you are! – Swati.
31 05 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Students,Worthy things are surely gonna make you suffer before you reach them! – Swati.

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