Read some quotes for life and death in these first Yellownotes for August. I’d also suggest you to try these interesting quotes on death.
Dear Man,Once you let go of self-esteem out of your life, there won’t be much difference you’d feel about being alive or dead! – Swati.
Dear People,Life is capable of fooling the others about your being good or great, but death is a looking glass showing them what actually you were. – Swati.
Dear God,Human life seems to be the most futile business as all of us are moving in the same direction only riding differently yet feel pride for being something special! – Swati.
Dear Mind,Life is the time permitted to us when we can prepare ourselves for the next venture called death. – Swati.
Dear Death,Thanks for being there else, where would this human greed have rested? – Swati.
Dear Self,On this planet, some might admire life while some may desire death, but for us it’s just an interval to create memories, gather wisdom, spread love and leave the place peacefully. – Swati.
Dear Life,I think you’re quite overrated because it’s just about this journey from a little spark to the gleaming flares. – Swati.
Dear You,Live life like you’ve no regrets at the end of the day or just start finding people whom you could blame for everything you wanted to do but couldn’t. – Swati.