Yellownotes – Daily Quotes | Quote of the Week | June 2019 | Week 01

Humor quote posted on Indian Postcard by Swati Joshi

Your favourite Yellownotes of the week.

01 06 19 - swati's Journal short story
Dear ladies, Being a tough kid in your childhood helps you be a smart Mother, as you know most of the tricks your child is gonna play with you! – Swati.
02 06 19 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Society, Successful marriages are like Mutual Fund investments; they give slow but assured yields! – Swati.
03 06 19 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Music, Thanks a lot for being my Tranquilizer! – Swati.
04 06 19 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Opium,Love, Wealth and Success are walking all over you in the race of being addictive! – Swati.
05 06 19 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Life,You can grow either Roots or Wings; trying for both may end up with Nothing! – Swati.
06 06 19 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Happiness,Applied to me, I get a sum of you, but when I try it for others; you instantly multiply! – Swati.
07 06 19 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Human,Let’s apply to become God’s assistants, as trying to be him is beyond the bounds of possibilities! – Swati.
08 06 19 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Death,Thank you for being so generous to accept all without any discretion! – Swati.

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