Do you believe living in present? I have these Yellownotes penned having quotes for today just written for you.
Dear Friend,Worrying about everything won’t help you, but the psychiatrist! – Swati.
Dear You,Treat ‘TODAY’ as a friend who still has stood by you; let ‘YESTERDAY’ go just like the friend who’s already gone!! – Swati.
Dear Days,I respect YESTERDAY for teaching me about what not to do TODAY! – Swati.
Dear World,Today is the only gateway that opens in the direction of your destiny! – Swati.
Dear Life,I know you as a chance to create a new chaos while bringing the previous one into order! – Swati.
Dear Man,Constantly expecting something from tomorrow will deprive you of the joy you can have today. – Swati.
Dear Human,Do whatever good you intend to do today as not God has promised you any tomorrow! – Swati.
Dear Today,Thanks for giving these full 24 hours that we could use to make our presence count on this planet! – Swati.