Yellownotes – Daily Quotes | Positive Mindset Quotes | September 2020 | Week 01

Yellownote cover Sept.2020.Wk .01

Do you believe in the strength of a positive mindset ? It’s not just your body that needs to work out, found this interesting ideas on positive mindset you may like.

01 09 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Youth, Persistence accompanied by patience can drive you to the prodigious results. – Swati.
02 09 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear You, Focus on the right things only as life is just a one time shot, a single chance! – Swati.
03 09 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear People, when faith, hard work and a positive mindset are your driving forces, there’s hardly a chance you lose your way! – Swati.
04 09 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Success, wherever you hide in a treasure chest of the future, we’ll find you ‘coz our state of mind has the key to reach you! – Swati.
05 09 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Man, when you start earning respect from your elders and affection from children, be sure that you’re on the right path of life. – Swati.
06 09 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Human, some simple act of kindness is all you need to live long an eternity. – Swati.
07 09 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Parents, comparing your kids with others won’t work instead help them to switch from a ‘fixed mindset’ to a ‘growth mindset’. – Swati.
08 09 20 - swati's Journal short story
Dear Happiness, It’s not just you, but the sorrow that helps us stay HUMAN! – Swati.

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