Daily Quotes, Poetry Quotes, Word Quotes, Human Quotes, Quote for Second week, April 2020. #aprilquotes
Dear Virtual World,We’re thankful for receiving the everyday motivation from you that helps us build our character, but we need real people for maintaining the same! – Swati.
Dear Love,Keeping the doors closed for you right now as you’re the riot to my mind and the venom to my heart! – Swati.
Dear Democracy,If tolerating ignorant and selfish citizens without uttering a word against them is what you mean, then you’re not my favorite! – Swati.
Dear Society,There’re some people who motivate, there’re some people who get motivated and the rest have to go to work and earn their bread and butter! – Swati.
Dear people,When you’re born in the rich class, life is like a party for you; for the poor class, it’s a freak show, but for the middle class, it’s nothing less than a CIRCUS! – Swati.
Dear Evil,Recent incidents on our planet must have confused you about who’s more talented, whether it’s you or these Vandals!? – Swati.
Dear Heart,Either we can trust God for the course of life or start gathering courage for becoming our own pathfinder! – Swati.
Dear small things,They don’t know that without practicing enough with you, we can’t start for greater goals! – Swati.