8. Is modern life normalising shallowness?
Modern life has started normalising superficiality. Social media emphasises cursory trends and outside approval, that feeds a culture of carefully manicured perfection. Online shopping and entertainment experiences provide instant delight. Seeking such immediate pleasure and avoiding difficult or time-consuming pursuits discourages in-depth engagement. Meaningful connections are replaced by occasional digital interactions leaving people feeling isolated. Advertising and the constant barrage of information promote materialism and link happiness to material belongings. This pursuit of shallow contentment can distract from introspection and genuine experiences, leaving a void of true fulfilment. Slowly leading to a sense of emptiness and a lack of purpose, modern life needs to highlight the call for individuals to cultivate deeper real connections, prioritise authentic experiences, and seek fulfilment beyond the superficial.
Take of the day –
People care much more for how things look than how things are. – Donna Lynn Hope