Logic or Emotions – What’s more vital? – Daily Words

07 daily words by swati joshi swatisjournal

7. Logic or Emotions – What’s more vital?

The interplay between logic and emotions is a complex part of the human experience. One can’t distinguish what’s more vital as both have definite n pivotal roles in human life. Logic helps analyzing situations objectively, while emotions provide context and meaning. Emotional intelligence is significant for navigating life’s challenges. Neuroscience research shows that emotions are involved in every decision making. So, even when we think we are being purely logical, emotions are deeply impacting our decisions. Logic without emotions can lead to cold, calculated decisions that lack human connection. And emotions in absence of logic can lead to impulsive, irrational choices that’d lead to negative consequences. Thus, cultivating both logical reasoning and emotional awareness is essential for a fulfilling and successful life.

Take of the day –

Emotions are the curse of logic! – Frank Herbert

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