Your favourite Yellownotes of the week.
Dear Ears, I wish you could have grown a little bit more on the outer part to shut yourselves against the sermons – Swati. lingering in the air.
Dear Love, Don’t overestimate yourself, it’s not always you behind all the courage stories but many a times DNA! – Swati.
Dear Self-esteem, Keep calm, I am not going to exchange you ever in the name of one SORRY! – Swati.
Dear God, Please feel free to focus on others, I have my family! – Swati.
Dear Success, Why don’t you try a few vitamin supplements to be fast enough to reach the diligent people in time? – Swati.
Dear People, You are the wealthiest on this planet if you still have faith, friends and family all together at the time of your retirement! – Swati.
Dear Youth, Even today,hands stretched to help with a generous smile on face work more than the carved flesh on your bones! Try it… – Swati.
Dear Love, Where do you work out to be so edgy? I know few blunt minds that need to be sharpened asap! – Swati.
Dear kids, Ignite your hope with humanity, darkness won’t dare to haunt you! – Swati.