Your favourite Yellownotes of the week.
Dear You, Your days may be starting with don’t, shouldn’t, mightn’t, can’t; but never let it finish without ‘let’s at least try’! – Swati.
Dear Nation, The day our dreams for you become one; you’ll be unconquered forever! – Swati.
Dear people, Religions with scientific roots are worthy making you a human being; else are mechanisms for creating fearful objects! – Swati.
Dear Students, Einstein, giving us the theory of relativity; believed in keeping things simple -is an example of IRONY! – Swati.
Dear Ice-cream, I’d choose you over love ‘coz you never hurt down the throat! – Swati.
Dear brain, Need not to be so open; people keep on coming to dump their garbage frequently. – Swati.
Dear Aliens, You must be knowing that the planet is great, but the people here are not worth travelling the light years! – Swati.
Dear you, Fate only knows to reward scars so, get ready for more bruises if looking forward to add more feathers in the cap! – Swati.